Here comes the sequel!

Hello and happy summer!

So after many nights and weekends pecking away at the keyboard, the sequel has been submitted to the editor! Eek! Right? Now it gets real – the second novel about our friends at Willow Green Four Oaks Hall & Inn is about to be a reality.

I appreciate all of you following along with me in this journey. So to reward you for your faithfullness – I have a reveal for you – the name and the cover mock ups – in the works. I value your opinion so let me know your thoughts.

There are two new characters you will meet in the sequel. One of them has a fondness of blue violets. While she likes the african variety, she is most fond of the common blue violet that you may see growing on a hillside or as ground cover in a flower garden. Now you get to learn why it’s so important to her. I hope you enjoy their continued saga as much as I enjoyed writing it for you.

So, here is how it will work, each day or so I will post updates here. You may get a cliping from the novel, a recipe peek, and most of all, the cover designing process. I’m happy to have you follow along with me and be on the lookout for the share it and win it fun coming up soon.

Now for the name . . .


more to come later, talk soon.